Email Design Toolkit
Email Design Toolkit
Email Design Toolkit
Email Design Toolkit
Email Design Toolkit
Email Design Toolkit


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What program do I need to use the Toolkit

Everything is set up on Canva, so all you need is access to the internet via a laptop.

How user-friendly is the email toolkit for someone with limited design experience?

The toolkit is specifically tailored for individuals who handle various aspects of their business (do it all entrepreneur) and may have limited to no design experience.

It features a drag-and-drop functionality, customisable templates, and helpful support resources to assist you in creating professional-looking email designs without requiring advanced design skills.

How can the email toolkit help me improve the performance of my email campaigns?

The email toolkit is designed to significantly improve the performance of your email campaigns. Each design is strategically crafted to boost click rates and enhance deliverability.

By mastering the art of branding consistency, which I will guide you through, you'll not only capture your subscribers' attention but also build trust with them. Increase your click rates, improve deliverability, and foster strong connections with your subscribers through the power of the email toolkit.

Is guidance and support available for utilising the email toolkit effectively?

Once you purchase the toolkit you will get access to a video lesson which will walk you through step by step on how to use the toolkit effectively.